Origanum compactum, Essential Oil of Oregano, is one of two varieties of the mint family
(Lamiaceae) that can be made into oregano oil. The other and most used variety of oregano plants used for the production of essential oregano oil is Origanum vulgare.The time of year that each variety of mint is harvested extremely affects the carvacrol percentage in the two oils. Origanum vulgare consistently has a higher level of carvacrol.
Much emphasis has been put on what the grade of essential oils are, such as:
Medicinal-grade, Therapeutic-grade, CERTIFIED PURE-grade, Aromatherapy grade, Grade A, etc.
ʻTherapeutic grade’ arose during the 1990ʼs and did not exist prior to that time. It was invented by some very clever marketers who wanted people to believe that their oils were somehow therapeutic grade essential oils and a better grade than all others.
This seal or word mark is nothing more than a commercial trademark that they have registered and paid a fee for. There is no such thing as a ʻtherapeutic gradeʼ or ‘approved’ essential oil, and no quality standards for the authentication of essential oils specifically exist in aromatherapy.”
‘CERTIFIED PURE THERAPEUTIC GRADE’ is a relatively new trademark by a multi-level marketing company. It gives the appearance of being approved by some kind of higher authority. This in actuality is another purchased trademark by another multilevel marketing company. There are no approval authorities in private or the government that set standards for differentiating the quality of essential oils.
GRAS, AFNOR, FMA, ISO, FDA, do not regulate or certify any grades of essential oils.
Even A GC-MS report may fail to reveal the age and quality of an essential oil, particularly in relation to the quality an aromatherapist or a patient is looking for.‘Internal Use’.
The European growers of essential oils have sold their oils for internal use for hundreds of years, but do not have the money to spend on testing that would declare that their oils can be consumed. The “smooth marketing” executives of multi-level companies have created the false narrative for “internal use” to enable charging as much as five times the market value so their multi-levels of salespeople can each receive a cut from your purchase.
‘Not for Internal Use’.This label has become another prerequisite for companies smaller than the 2 multilevel companies that have used millions of dollars to have laboratory tests done so they can say “approved for internal use”.
Dr. Mercola says, “.” I highly recommend adding oregano oil to your arsenal of natural healing tools“.
Oil of oregano use:
Origanum compactum Benth.Antiviral, bactericidal, febrifuge, expectorant, bronchial secretions fluidizing, antiseptic of the respiratory tract, general toner, digestive. Bronchitis, coughs, pertussis, asthma, acute and chronic rheumatism, slow digestion, swelling of the abdomen, urinary tract infections. Anti-aging, powerful antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, anti-inflammatory, immune stimulant.
When I buy Origanum compactum or origanum vulgare, I purchase from n-ergetics.com
Read this complete article first posted here.
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